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STAT Sanctuary


Non Profit Organizations

About Us

When 23 starving horses were abandoned at the ranch and their only other option was euthanasia, ZAP...I became a horse rescue!

This is a place where horses who have outlived their usefulness for riding are now serving as therapy and companion animals instead. With many disabled and aging animals at the Sanctuary we have a particular appeal to the Special needs community, veterans and senior citizens.

We have been honored to receive many awards for our work but it's not because we rescue old horses. It's because we share this unique facility with the community. Mommy & Me groups, senior center trips, students can earn their community service hours, we offer Boy & Girl Scout
badge programs, we have granted wishes for Wishes for Children, Hospice, cancer survivors, people dealing with loss andeven Moms with teenagers have all experienced this peaceful setting of quiet healing.

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Pattie Roberts